OPTIMUM DPT | Osteopractic Physical Therapy Specialists of Michigan | Petoskey's Rehabilitation Experts | Petoskey Physical Therapy | Osteopractic Physical Therapy Specialists

Stiff, Tight, Weak or Hurting?  Click Here Now To Talk To An Expert or Call 231-881-9770

Petoskey Physical Therapy & Osteopractic

(Formerly Optimum DPT)

Dedicated to Helping People Become and Stay More Active and Mobile, Live Free From Painkillers, Avoid Surgery and Enjoy All that Northern Michigan Has to Offer!

Want Help To Decide If Petoskey Physical Therapy Is Right For You? Choose from one of the options below... 

If you're not quite ready to schedule an appointment yet, you may have some questions that you'd like answered first. Dr. Gaunt would be happy to chat with you so you can be 100% sure that Petoskey Physical Therapy can help you and is your best choice for care… just click the button above to request a phone consultation with Dr. Gaunt!

We realize you may be unsure what we do or if we can help YOUR specific problem. If you've tried several failed treatments in the past or just have some doubts, come discover for yourself what makes Petoskey Physical Therapy different and how we can help by requesting a FREE discovery visit... no commitment, no strings attached! Just click the link above to apply today!

*Note: This is an opportunity for you to get to know us, ask us questions about your situation, and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you. If we’re a good fit for each other, we’ll discuss the best next steps. If we’re not, we’ll do everything we can to connect you with someone who is.

Not Ready To Talk But Still Want Some Help?

Claim one of our FREE e-books on our commonly treated conditions to get started today!

Optimum DPT Petoskey Physical Therapy Vertigo Dizziness BPPV Report.jpg

7 Powerful Ways To Take Charge of the Spinning

Optimum DPT Petoskey Physical Therapy Back Pain and Sciatica Report.jpg

7 Quick Ways To Relieve Back Pain & Sciatica

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5 Quick Easy Ways To End Headaches & Neck Pain

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5 Simple Treatments For Stiff, Painful Knees

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5 Simple Ways to Stop Jaw Pain

Optimum DPT Petoskey Physical Therapy Plantar Fasciitis Foot Pain Report.jpg

5 Quick Tips To Fix Foot & Heel Pain

Listen to how other patients in northern Michigan just like you have to say about their care at Petoskey Physical Therapy

Listen To How Scott (age 70+) Overcame Torn Muscles and Severe Osteoarthritis to Stay Active and Keep Riding his Motorcycle!

Discover How Meg (age 60+) Regained Her Knee Mobility and Independence After Nearly Giving Up Hope Following A Joint Replacement!

Found out how Donald (age 90+) Overcame Dizziness and Kept Independent, Mobile and Active!

Ready To Take The First Step On Your Journey To Feeling, Sleeping, Moving and Living Better?

Want Help To Decide If Petoskey Physical Therapy Is Right For You?

Choose from one of the options below...

If you're not quite ready to schedule an appointment yet, you may have some questions that you'd like answered first. Dr. Gaunt would be happy to chat with you so you can be 100% sure that Petoskey Physical Therapy can help you and is your best choice for care… just click the button above to request a phone consultation with Dr. Gaunt!

We realize you may be unsure what we do or if we can help YOUR specific problem. If you've tried several failed treatments in the past or just have some doubts, come discover for yourself what makes Petoskey Physical Therapy different and how we can help by requesting a FREE discovery visit... no commitment, no strings attached! Just click the link above to apply today!

American Academy of Manipulative Therapy

2019 National Clinic of the Year

Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Charlevoix & Gaylords Highest Rated Physical Therapy Clinic with 75 (and counting) 5-Star Reviews (Google, Facebook, Yelp & Health Grades)

Osteopractic Physical Therapy

Osteopractic Physical Therapy

Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy

Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy